My Journey…

My journey into the rhythm and dance of the Middle East began when I was 17 and started to learn the art of Middle Eastern dance.

In these classes I was also introduced to the mesmerizing sounds of finger cymbals and the Darbuka. The Darbuka, in particular, resonated with me on such a profound level that I felt as I tapped into the rhythm of the drum I was planting the seeds for my eventual move to the Middle East years later to finish my PhD. When I lived in Egypt, my fascination grew for the Frame Drum and Tambourine, sparked by the collaboration with extraordinary Egyptian musicians. Together, we crafted performances that fulfilled my childhood dreams of dancing in Egypt, surrounded by the most talented musicians I had ever encountered. This experience was more than a performance; it was a lesson in life, rhythm, and the art of letting go.

In the West, my dance preparations were always precise and planned. However, these musicians introduced me to a different approach – they played by feeling, allowing the music to change with the moment, teaching me the beauty of impermanence and the cycle of creation and recreation.

This was my awakening to the essence of Creation within Creation. Being fully present in music and movement, in such a revered space, I rediscovered innate gifts, possibly from past lives. My dance evolved to include my voice, chanting, drumming, and even poetry recitation, all inspired by the divine energy flowing through us as we embraced the creative process.

This transformative period marked a new chapter in my life.

In 2019, on the cusp of the global pandemic, I felt a profound call from Mary Magdalene to delve deeper into Aramaic chanting, expanding on my practice of chanting in Hebrew and Aramaic. This guidance was to explore further the chanting of Aramaic, the sacred Language of Light.

Recording these chants and prayers first held the intention of being able to offer the Community at the Desert Rose Mystery School, recordings that they could sing along to. This later led me to understand that if music is a gift from the angels, it must be crafted, created, composed and manifested with delicacy, sophistication and beauty. In 2021 I met my main musician and producer, César Galvez, and our work together keeps expanding infinitely. One of the biggest gifts was to record music in the Sephardic language, the lineage of my Mother´s ancestry. We have also recorded in Arabic and Hebrew.

The experiences and transformations I have undergone through these mantras and prayers are beyond words. Aramaic, with its divine resonance, has brought about profound changes in my life, fostering peace, awakening, healing, beauty, growth, and connectivity.
I share these chants and prayers with you, hoping they may touch your life as deeply as they have mine.
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to my music on
You can also join for free the Songs of the Desert Rose Platform where you can find the lyrics to these chants and prayers.