Tree of Life Retreat in Spain

with Ana Otero

The Desert Rose Mystery School
December 1, 2, 3, 4

Welcome to the Magdalene Tree of Life Retreat in the South of Spain.

Andalucía was once called Al Andalus, the Land of Venus, the land that held the Muslims, Jews and Christians, creating an atmosphere of religious synthesis and integration, each learning from each other. All of these three religious expressions came from the Middle East, seeded within Hebrew Mysticism and the Codes of Creation.

The Magdalene Tree of Life Retreat will be a meeting of Souls in the South of Spain, where we will explore and embody the teachings of the Hebrew Kabbalistic Mary Magdalene. We are living in the pure presence of the Magdalene – Yeshua consciousness, and understanding their roots, their hidden mystery teachings and how they prayed and lived their devotional lives will bring us closer to receiving their transmissions.

The Magdalene Tree of Life Retreat explores Mary Magdalene as she moves through the Tree of life and embodies in Tiferet (the Heart),  Yesod (The Womb) and Malchut (The Earth). The Zohar, the Sacred text of Kabbalah, was first written down in Aramaic in Spain by Moises de León. Although these teachings were ancient and of oral transmission, he took on the task of putting these teachings into writing. How magical to gather in the land where these sacred teachings where sealed and grounded in the physical realm. How magical to seal our own individual

Sacred Geometry of the Soul as well. Shiveti Adonai refers to the Sacred geometry of our Soul. In the Mystical traditions we are taught that when we align with our Shiveti Adonai, mirroring our Earthly Presence with our Celestial Soul Mandala, miracles unfold. Our soul evolution is accelerated, and we come closer to living the highest dimension of our Soul Expression.

By the end of the retreat, you will have explored and embodied the Magdalene Tree of Life and have connected to the Migdal Nunayya. Migdal Nunayya is a portal that invites us to journey inward, exploring the depths of our soul and our connection to the divine. As we enter this sacred space, we encounter the essence of Mary Magdalene, who embodies the Divine Feminine Presence and spiritual strength. Through this portal, we are called to rise above our ordinary consciousness and connect with the infinite source of wisdom and light. The Migdal Nunayya brings us clarity in our mission, purpose, relationships, and healing past lives, this life and our lineage.

This is an exclusive retreat, held in a sacred venue that holds all of the powerful Venus Codes and the Dragon Energy of the Al Andalus. My journey now calls me to explore deeply the Dragon Energies of Israel, Egypt and Spain, and how these three sacred lands are connected.
Thank you for your presence.
Ana Otero
The Experience

Neshama Womb Yoga sunrise practice every morning. This includes
chanting and seeding the intention for the day.
Sacred Teachings and Transmissions
Sound Mysteries
Sound Healing
Aramaic Shamanic Drumming
Prayers, Devotions, Activations
Celestial Movement Meditations
Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew and Light Language
Connecting with the Dragon Energies of the Al Andalus
Sacred Art Activations
Readings from Sacred Texts

Day 1 – I am the Light of Creation

The retreat officially starts at 15,30 CET, although if you arrive earlier you can stay in the garden area and have a beautiful walk. Those of you who would like us to organise transportation from the Málaga International Airport, this option is available. At 15,30 we will organise all of the rooms, etc., and then at 16, 30 we meet at our Temple Space to open up the retreat.

Magdalene Tree of Life Intro Workshop.

Opening Ceremony and Welcome: Introduction to the retreat, setting intentions.

Mary Magdalene: Teacher, Holy Woman, Beloved of Yeshua and Spiritual Partner, Embodiment of the Shekhinah and Light Being. Mary Magdalene, a Hebrew Mystic, Kabbalist, Qadeesha (High Holy Woman – Priestess), A Ceremonialist, a humble woman. We will move away from the Myth. and stories that surround her and dive deep into her teachings through her Gospel, the Mystical. Gnostic Gospels and understanding her Gospel and teachings even deeper through the Zohar.

We will tune into the Dragon energy of the land. Nature in this part of Spain is extremely powerful. We will anchor ourselves with Magdalene Dragon Celestial Movement Meditation to connect with the frequency of Al Andalus, the Land of Venus.

The Magdalene Sephirot Prayer. We will learn the Magdalene Sephirot Prayer in Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew through a powerful chanting practice and Celestial Movement Meditation


After Dinner we will gather to pray the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary in the Garden

You have free time after. praying the Rosary to meditate in the garden under the moon, relax in your beautiful bedroom, take a relaxing shower or bath, or get to know some of the beautiful souls at the Retreat.

Day 2 – Intention: I contain the Cosmic Rhythm of Creation within me.

Neshama Womb Yoga sunrise. This includes Chanting, Drumming and Seeding the intention for the day. Theme: Connecting with the energies of Malkuth (Kingdom), the foundation of our spiritual journey.


Desert Rose Frame Drum Workshop, Ahava Sacred Dance and Ceremony.

Embodying the Energy of Netzah – Venus

We will learn a frame drum rhythm and an Aramaic – Biblical Hebrew Prayer Chant along with Sacred Dance Movement Prayer. We will perform this in Sacred Ceremony under the moonlight to honor the Magdalene ́s Descent through the Tree of Life. This Rhythm and prayer chant holds the intention of recognising and awakening the Cosmic Rhythm of Creation that dwells within us. We will all dress in white for our Ceremonial Performance.

Prayer Circle in the Garden to Mother Mary: The Hail Mary in Aramaic

Lunch and Free Time

Magdalene Shabbat Gathering.

Readings form the Zohar, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and the Gnostic Gospels. Theme: How to become the Vessel in the Messianic Age. Embodiment, Celebration and Sharing. We will prepare our Biblical Myrraphore Shekhinah Oil for anointing.

This Shabbat explores the following Theme:

Mary Magdalene ́s expression through the Sephirot of the Tree of Life.Exploration of the Heavens and the 7 Demons. These demons are mentioned in the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and they are mentioned in the Zohar. We will understand the Mystery teaching hidden in Yeshua retrieving the 7 Demons from Mary Magdalene. This moment represents a powerful transmission of how to heal the feminine and re-activate the true Malkootah (Divine Kingdom).


Free time to explore the garden, take a beautiful evening walk on the land.

Day 3 Intention: The Womb of Creation

Neshama Womb Yoga sunrise. This includes Chanting, Drumming and Seeding the Intention for the day. Theme: Yesod, The Womb, Moon and Prophecy


Sacred Pilgrimage

Lunch and Free Time

Magdalene Creation frequencies.

We will activate the power of the word through the Magdalene Creation Frequencies and dive deep into a group expression exercise of specific teachings of the Magdalene Tree of Life.

Through the purification and channeling of our Sacred Sexual Energy (Yesod) we will expand our infinite possibilites to access higher dimensions of our Soul. This will direct us to our Mission with clarity, desire and purpose.

Activation of our Shiveti Adonai Template through the teachings of the tree of life.

Sacred Art activation.

Meditation and Quiet Reflection in the Garden.


Sound Mysteries in the Garden under the Moon.

We will dive into a Bhakti of Aramaic, Biblical Hebrew and Light Language. These chants have been chosen to activate prophetic dreams. Also a Sound Healing.

Day 4 – The Light and the Vessel

Neshama Womb Yoga sunrise.Theme of this Practice: The Light and the Vessel. This includes Chanting, Drumming and Seeding the Intention for the day.Theme: Activating Tiferet, the Heart Chakra, through Yeshua Messiah


Walking the land in Sacred Circle: Ritual, Devotion, Prayer and Community bonding.

Closing Ceremony.

Meals are included, and we begin with a beautiful dinner on the day of arrival after our opening Ceremony. On all other days there will be breakfast, a light lunch and dinner, with fruit, snakcks and tea/coffee available. Food is locally sourced and inspired, fresh Mediterranean cuisine and mostly vegan and vegetarian, with fish on some days too for those who prefer. Meals are always served buffet style. The chef uses Santillan ́s vegetable and herb garden, depending on what is in season. Santillan have their own chickens, so there will be fresh free-range eggs available at breakfast for those who eat eggs. If you are gluten intolerant or have any allergies, please let us know in advance.

How much does it cost:
€1393 twin/double share
€1695 Single
First payment will reserve your spot.
Double Occupancy: 500 euros
Single Occupancy: 600 euros
Second payment must be received on August 8th.
Double Occupancy: 500 euros
Single Occupancy: 600 euros
Third payment must be received on October 8th.
Double Occupancy: 393 euros
Single Occupancy: 495 euros
Those who wish to pay the retreat in Full before the month of July have a 10% discount.
Price includes:
All workshops, Printed Manual, Oils and bottle for the Biblical Myrraphore Blend, ensuite accommmodation, three meals a day, full use of all facilities, mineral water fountains, freshly squeezed orange juice, tea, coffee etc and Spanish tax.
Price does not include:
Flights, transfers (althought these can be arranged for you), on-site purchases, massage and treatments. Yes, in your free time you can book on site treatments!
For those who wish to bring their partners or family to the retreat and they are not participating in the workshops, they are welcome to share a room with you and can join us during meal times. There are many activities available for them and Santillan has great deals with local golf courses and horseback riding schools, if partners are interested in those activities.
There is also a salt water pool good for comfortable laps and a paddle court.
There are walks in the surrounding hills with views to the glistening Mediterranean sea. This is Malaga, the land of the Sun, and part of the experience is being ourdoors.
If this option interests you, please get in touch with Ana Otero so that she can send you the corresponding prices.
Tree of Life Retreat in Spain
This retreat is for Women and Men.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with ana otero