My first experience of devotion was to Divine Mother. Born into a Spanish Catholic family, our relationship with Mother Mary was a powerful force in family life. Our reverence for Mother Mary was a living, breathing presence in our lives. We laid roses at her feet in our local church and joined our voices in Novenas, honoring her grace and mercy. These rituals nurtured a profound connection within me, an intimate longing to embrace the divine in an intimate relationship.
I can always remember my soul longing to unite with divine presence. At the age of 7, I started writing letters to the Eternal One and bury them outside deep into the Earth. My hands communed with the wet soil as I created a sacred space to offer my words. This act was so sacred, my hands felt one with the earth, one with creation. My older sister saw this and started to answer these letters, for she truly wanted my actions and intentions to be noticed. When I found out that it was my sister and not God answering the letters, I continued to let her think I didn´t know, for I thought she was more fulfilled in answering than I in writing them.
Dance was my first true prayer.
As a child trained in the discipline of dance, I found in each movement a call to something greater than myself. It was here, in the language of my body, that I felt closest to God. At the age of 11, I found the path of yoga, travelling at a young age to India to become trained as a Yoga Teacher, although I didn´t see it as a training to become a teacher, I saw it as a training to become a student, an eternal student of the Divine.

The sudden loss of my father marked me deeply, embedding a core of sorrow that would take years to understand. Commitment to my studies, prayer, practice and creativity, was the only balm that served my wound. When I finished my Master´s degree in Creative Expression, I spent time with the gypsies in Granada learning the Art of Flamenco. This was how I was able to truly heal the loss of my father, by alchemizing pain with the earth and knowing, feeling through the body and the Earth, that the connection with our loved ones who have passed is not only an infinite heavenly connection, but also an earthly one, as their energy is always with us, deeply rooted in our experiences.
After spending time in the Sacro Monte of Granada, I spent time working at the Jewish school of Madrid and amongst the Hebrew Chants and Prayers, I had an apparition of Sarah Tamar, the daughter of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. I had never heard of her, yet she explained to me who she was and she gave me the vision of my daughter that would be birthed through me. A few weeks later I met her father, a Scotsman whose ancient blood sang with the same deep currents that ran through me, lover and beloved became one, and our union was manifested. Through our union, Almudena, our daughter, was birthed.
Motherhood was both
a grounding and a transcending experience, teaching me that true spirituality is enacted in the tender acts of caring for another. I saw in Almudena the echo of the divine, a soul sent from the celestial realms to walk beside me. My teacher, a dragon child, a vibrant prophecy of light.
When my daughter was very young, I pursued my PHD in Dance Movement Therapy and went to the Middle East to finish my research. My thesis was based on Dance as Prayer, spending many years in the Cairo, Kuwait and Dubai. These were years of powerful activations and memories of past lives, of ancient languages, and even memories of different dimensions coming together in one point. I studied with the sufis, the kabbalists, the Gnostic Ghristians, and it was in Egypt ,amongst the sands and songs, I met Barbakan, a teacher who guided me deeper into the mysteries.
In the last year of my time in the Middle East, I again went through the pain of loss and death, and found myself in a similar situation as when my father passed. Many profound revelations were experienced and I decided to take time and pilgrim to sacred lands. Yet, it was a solitary journey into the Omani desert with my daughter that brought the most profound revelation. There, in 2011, in a land stripped to its barest essence, Mary Magdalene came to me. She called me to return to Spain, to the land of my ancestors, and to step into a new chapter of my life, guided not by the mind but by the soul’s compass.

a place where the Foundation of my life—prayer, practice and creativity—communed into a spiritual education and awakening. The creation of this space didn´t happen over night. The journey was one of Ahava, love in service, love in action, as the first years I continued to work in Spain as a Dance Movement Therapist for autistic Children and also run the beginnings of the school. These were years of waking up at 3,30 am in the morning and finishing my days at 11,00 pm. Sleeping very little, but being fueled by the Shekhinah, the Holy Spirit. In 2012 I started the Mary Magdalene Priestess Training and in 2014, I officially opened The Desert Rose Mystery School.

In the years since the first apparition of Mary Magdalene I have deepended my studies of Aramaic and Hebrew, and I have co-created with my guides many courses and trainings. I give thanks to the inspiration given to me by the Divine and Shekhinah to have manifested the books I have published and the musical creations I have birthed. The future vision for the Desert Rose Mystery School is to have a physical sanctuary manifested in the next years and my personal intention is to keep practicing, praying and creating, holding the intention to birth many new books, musical creations, trainings and projects.
- Who deeply want to reconnect with their creative power.
- For those who want to commit to a practice that will take you to a higher dimernsion of your soul expression.
- For those who feel spiriatuality as an embodied prayer of devotion.
- For those who want to awaken the Magdalene within.
- For those who want to dive deep into the teachings of the Christ Lineage, Hebrew Mysticism, Sophianic Kabbalah, Gnostic Christianity and Mysticism, and the ancient languages of Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew.
- For those who yearn for embodied practices of reconectiom through drumming, sacred dance, Neshama Yoga, voice awakening and sound mysteries.
- For those who want to heal and awaken into the true essence of their soul expressions.
- For you who want to manifest the deepest longings of your Soul.
The word “creativity” comes from the Latin word creare, which means “to create”, therefore, by definition, creativity is the ability to transcend the conventional and existing concepts, patterns, and relationships, in order to bring something new into the tangible form or in the form of ideas. Creativity is the act of creating something new for yourself and/or for society.
For Creativity to be the force that drives us to create our lives as a work of art in a conscious way, it is necessary to claim our power and make it ours. Our Power is always awake, as a “program” it is always running through us, but most of the time we do not know it so we allow our power to take over us. When we do not claim our power, it aligns with the force of our programs, fears, and patterns, and becomes so strong that our lives are a reflection of the manifestation of our unconscious power. The moment we decide to EMPOWER ourselves, to be in our POWER, to claim our POWER, is when all those obsolete programs cease to have force. SACRED CREATIVITY is born as the impulse that leads us to live as CO-CREATORS and CREATORS and we begin to manifest our dreams.

All trainings at The Desert Rose Mystery School are fully accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine. Additionally, our Dance Movement Therapy and Ahava Sacred Dance Trainings hold accreditation from CID UNESCO.
When you move the body, your personal river of energy begins to flow, and clarity and inspiration are the orders of the day. That is why I believe that the practice of movement – dance is inseparable from the true creative pulse. Mary Magdalene wants us to be creative in order to bring our destiny to the world. We should not look at others and compare ourselves because each person brings their gifts to the world and to claim and appreciate these gifts, creativity is the way. At the same time, when we connect with the creative channel, there is an absence of EGO in that moment of creativity. The more we cultivate practices where there is an absence of the EGO, the more karma we release.
I opened The Desert Rose Mystery School® in 2014 guided by Mary Magdalene. She has guided me in the teachings of different techniques in order to create a spiritual school that would follow the teachings of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua and the Desert Rose Teachings. Through in-depth study of Hebrew Mysticism, Egyptian Mysticism, Aramaic, Alaha Shela , Shekhinah Mysteries, Light Language, Hathor – Venus Lineage, Hindu Philosophy, Yogic Science, Kabbalah, Astrology, Numerology, Sacred Essential Oils, Sacred Dance, Movement Therapy, Gnosticism, the Path of the Divine Feminine and the Gnostic Gospels, we have been able to create a school and we continue to create a school that resembles and is aligned with the teachings of Mary Magdalene, Yeshua and the Desert Mystics.
Illuminated by the moon and by the stars.
Away from the eyes of what seems to be.
Dark night, take me into the velvet embrace of the Black Madonna.
Goddess, Almighty Mother. Protect me in your arms.
Look at me with your shiny dark face.
Look at me as I am, as I have been, as I will be.
In your emptiness, the past and the future are one.
Invisible, unheard of, and hidden by light, things are seen in my dark night.
Guide me and help me find the way.
You who know me, take me to who I really am.
In these times of chaos
When all sentient beings and nature herself
Face death and resurrection
Fill us with the splendor of your passionate enlightenment
Burn us with your sacred fires
And bring into re-membering our being
Infuse our bodies, hearts, souls and minds
With the calm of your infinite embrace
Infuse us with the remembrance of our sacred marriage, the union between the masculine and feminine from which in each of us the Divine Child is born
The child that is your flesh, your heart, your light, your breath.
The Child that is free from dogma, shame and separation.
Birth us to be free and to be love
Free to play in love
Free to serve in love
As love and for love
Divine mother, teach us in this hour of apocalypse the appropriate action
that heals
redeems and transforms