Desert Rose
Mentorship, Readings &
Ana Otero
started to receive apparitions of Mary Magdalene and other Light Beings in the Christ Mystery School in 2011. She incorporates a Holistic Approach in her Mentorship, Readings and Guidance bringing into unity the energetic, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies. Every part of your tapestry is important and her intuitive and channeled Readings are revolutionary.

Ana Otero works with:

  • Channeled Message from Mary Magdalene. Sometimes messages may come in through other Light Beings of the Desert Rose.
  • Essene Healing.
  • Light Language
  • Kabbalistic Astrology Natal Charts
  • Oracular Energy Readings
  • Desert Rose Womb Activation and Healing working with the
  • Magdalene 6 Wombs
  • Manifestation as a Consecrated Prayer
  • Pleiadian – Hathors Healing
  • Sarah Tamar Blue Rose Healing
When you fill out the form please write which area of your life you would like to work with: Soul Mission, Self – Esteem, Fertility, Awakening your Creation Power, Healing the Family Lineage, Healing the Heart to attract your Beloved, Calling in the Soul of the Child you would like to conceive, Healing the Physical Body, etc. Also please what you would like Ana Otero to work with. For example, may you want a Kabbalistic Natal Chart, or you might want to work with the Magdalene Womb Healings.
For those who feel called to have a mentorhsip, reading, 1-1 session and there is no specific question area of your life you feel you need to work with, you will receive powerful guidance regarding the next steps in your life.
You can register for just 1-1 Session or you can register for a series of 4 Mentorship Sessions.