My Books
Unlocking Wisdom and Insight: Exploring the World of Books

Mary Magdalene and the Teaching of Desert Rose

Journey into the Mystical Magdalene Teachings of the Desert Rose

Mary Magdalene and the Path of Alaha Shela

The Path of Prayer through the Magdalene Consciousness.

Mary Magdalene Prayer Book

Bring prayers and invocations into your daily practice and group ceremonies. These prayers have been created with the highest intention and devotion to Lady Magdalene.

Essene Book of Prayers

Bring prayers and invocations into your daily practice and group ceremonies. These prayers have been created with the highest intention and devotion to The Essenes and their Teachings.

Conversations with Mary Magdalene

Get to know Mary Magdalene from a historical perspective and receive transmissions channeled through Mary Magdalene.

Black Madonna Book of Prayers and Rituals

A Devotional Prayer Book and recorded workshop dedicated to the Black Madonna.

Digital Download. Video Workshop Included. 

The Sarah Tamar Codes of Infinity

Digital Download