Desert Rose Mystery School

When I was 18 I had my first exposure to Aramaic. I was studying Dance Education and Religious Studies at University.

The first time I heard the Dead Sea Scrolls my body trembled. I had no idea what they where, so I decided to sign up for the course. I became obsessed with the Gnostic Gospels and this led me to study Aramaic for one year at University. Life got in the way as I later went to graduate school, got married, has birthed my beautiful daughter and then went to finish my PHD in Cairo. I lived in the Middle East for 9 years.

In 2016 through a very prophetic dream, I received that part of my calling was to birth this language through the practice of Embodiment, Prayer and Chanting. This led me back to pursue a degree in Aramaic Studies, which a graduated from in 2023.

Aramaic is the Language that was spoken by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and really by everyone in that time period.

Those who dedicated themselves to Temple worship would have used Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew (Royal Aramaic), for prayers and chanting.

Aramaic is a Light Language that has the capacity to bring into unity any form of separation that we may be experiencing. A Light Language works with the Light of Creation, there is no duality contained in it. My personal experience of incorporating Aramaic, the Language the Christ Lineage spoke in, has been, is, so powerful, healing, and magical. I feel that this is the language that has healed and awakened by heart. Aramaic has brought me into UNITY. If you are a follower of the Teachings of the Desert Rose, honoring the lineage of the Great Desert Masters and Teachers, Aramaic will ground and expand your Spiritual Alignment, your Temple Practice, your Soul Purpose and your ALAHA SHELA (Prayer of Sacred Unity).

At the Desert Rose Mystery School there are 2 powerful courses:


In the Aramaic Alchemy Program you will:

  • Study profoundly the 22 Aramaic Letters, their Activations and Teachings, and embody them through specific meditations and practices.
  • Translate, decode, understand and learn specific prayers in Aramaic of the Christ Lineage. These we will embody through Chanting and Prayer. Among these are of course the The Lords Aramaic Prayer.
  • Learn prayers in Aramaic that I have written that you can use for each day of the week.
  • Translate and decode important messages from Yeshua and the Desert Rose Teachers and different parts of sacred scripture into Aramaic.
  • Learn Aramaic Mantras so we can bring these into our lives.

Upon completion fo the Course you will receive an Accredited Certificate.


Aramaic Creation Frequencies Course explores the profound wisdom of the four elements within the context of Aramaic Creation Spirituality. Rooted in ancient teachings, this course is designed to illuminate us in the mystery teachings of the fundamental elements that shape our existence, and at the same time serve as a Path to the Wisdom and Teachings of the Sacred Language of Aramaic.

As we immerse ourselves in the prayers and chants of Aramaic, we extend an invitation to the forces of creation and the Angelic Realm to coalesce within our sacred body vessels. This sacred act of vocalization is not just an expression of faith but a potent act of co-creation, where the elemental and the ethereal unite in a harmonious act of creation.

Throughout this course, you will discover how Aramaic serves as a divine bridge, connecting the core of your being to the infinity of the Cosmic Intelligence.

to be notified about future workshops and courses that teach and embody this sacred language.
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