the Desert Rose Foundation

At the Desert Rose Foundation, our mission is to weave a profound impact on the world,

helping those in need, and illuminating the pivotal role each one of us plays in transforming our communities and our world towards a future of peace, equality, and respect.

One of our key initiatives involves sponsoring children and women in parts of the world where education and poverty make it difficult for Children and women to access education and medical care.

We are currently sponsoring children in India with their food, clothing and education.

We are currently collaborating on a project aimed at empowering mothers in various countries who are in need. We are dedicated to establishing systems and creating work opportunities that allow these mothers to independently support themselves and their children.

The Creation of the Desert Rose Foundation in 2022 was something I had been desiring for many years.
I truly believe that what we are given needs to be shared in onw way or another, and if Alaha has given us the blessings of resources, it is because a part of these resources can help so many in need.
If you feel the call to donate, your donations are received with so much gratitude. You can also take part of our monthly shabbats where a small donation is asked for which goes towards the Desert Rose Mystery School.
Sending blessings an love to all of you.
Ana Otero