Mary Magdalene Message: Recalling Divine Truths

Mary Magdalene Message

Recalling Divine Truths

Beloved ones, I speak to you from a place beyond time, from the sacred lineage of our ancestors. You have been preparing yourselves for the journey that lies ahead. It is a path marked by stillness and concealment, like the deepest parts of the Holy Temple, where only the purest heart may enter.

You stand on the threshold of a sacred moment, a time when the mystery calls you inward. In the womb of the soul, you will find yourself held, nurtured, and transformed. Do not fear the hiddenness, for like the seed that must descend into the darkness of the earth, you too must enter the shadowed spaces of your being to be reborn. This is not a retreat into nothingness but a sacred journey, where the unseen and unspoken mysteries of the Divine begin their work within you.

The spirit of contemplation is upon you. This time is not just about doing, but about being, being in communion with the Holy One, who has placed within you the seeds of transformation. Reflect upon the parts of your life that have yet to mature. Ask yourself: where am I still the student? Where am I ready to teach? Wisdom, like the sacred oil of anointing, flows freely to those who seek it with humility.

As you embark on this journey of introspection, remember that each phase of life calls forth different aspects of your soul. Some parts of you still await their bloom, while others have already borne fruit. Honor them all, for they are sacred manifestations of the Creator’s design. Ask the Holy One to guide your path, to show you where you must grow, and where you must serve others with the gifts you have been given.

The path of learning is the path of ascent. It is through learning that we approach the Divine, and through teaching that we bring others along this sacred road. In these acts, you are uniting creation, aligning yourselves with the higher designs that await your embrace.

In this time of stillness, I call you to remember by recalling divine truths and promises, and integrating them into your daily life. Just as the Holy One called us to remember the covenant, I call you to remember your sacred contract with your soul. Recall the wisdom that resides deep within you, the truth that has never left you. Each moment of contemplation peels away the layers of forgetfulness, revealing the eternal light that has always been yours.

Do not resist the silence. In the stillness of your soul, the Holy Spirit, the Rucha D´Koodsha, will descend upon you. She is the breath of the Divine, the sacred wind that moves through the wilderness of your soul, guiding you home. Like a bride entering the chamber of union, you too are entering the holy place of remembrance, where your soul will be united once more with the light of the Divine.

Let your prayers rise like incense before the Holy One, clearing the veils that have kept you in forgetfulness. Allow the light to break through, and know that you are never alone on this journey.

Mary Magdalene

Channeled by Ana Otero

This message spoke to my heart and I hope the message you receive awakens and stirs something within you.

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Magdalene Tree of Life Retreat in Spain December 1-4. CLICK HERE

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I am wishing all of you a beautiful day.


Ana Otero

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