We Are The Mystery of Divine Union

The Sacred Marriage

We are the Mystery of Divine Union

“The highest secret of the divine name is the unity of all beings. When the soul ascends through contemplation, she rises above the illusion of separation and dissolves into the infinite light of the One. In this union, there is no division between the lover and the Beloved—only the dance of the Divine Presence.”


The past few days have felt especially heavy, as the echoes of pain and chaos from the situation in Israel and its neighbouring countries have deeply touched our collective soul. In this sacred month of Tishri, under the sign of Libra, we are standing at the threshold of the Cosmic New Year, when the heavens realign and the energies of creation are renewed. It is a time of cosmic equilibrium, a time when the scales of justice and mercy are recalibrated. I have asked myself again and again: How can we, in this moment, come together to plant the seeds of unity and peace in a world so torn by division?

On Saturday early morning, I flew to Loch Lomond in Scotland to attend a wedding. The simplicity and sacredness of witnessing two souls uniting under the canopy of love always touches me deeply. This celebration of union, this holy bond of bride and bridegroom, mirrored the ancient Mystery teachings of Divine Union that have been shared in esoteric lineages for millennia. The wedding became a living symbol of the eternal cosmic dance between the Divine Mother and Divine Father—the sacred marriage that breathes life into all creation. We, too, are born from this divine union, carrying within us the sacred codes of both the bride and the bridegroom. This is the essence of our soul, the mystical marriage within each of us.

As I walked by the waters of Loch Lomond, feeling the gentle rhythm of the waves and hearing the crisp sound of leaves beneath my feet, I felt the stirring of Shalom—a peace that transcends all understanding, a unity with the very heartbeat of creation.This is who we are: UNITY. Our prayers, our intentions, are not mere whispers in the wind—they are the creative breath that aligns us with the Divine Plan. We are the vessels through which divine will flows, and in our hands is the power to heal and to restore balance.

In Aramaic, the word Lachme means “bread,” but it carries a much deeper spiritual significance. Lachme is the mystical gathering of all the fragmented parts of our being, the uniting of what has been broken into wholeness. This is our sacred task, not just for ourselves but for the collective soul of humanity.

Let us remember that we are not separate from the world or from each other. The separation we perceive is an illusion, and we are being called to dissolve this veil and awaken to the truth of our interconnectedness.

We are called now to embody the Shalom, the wholeness, that exists in the heart of the Divine. And in this time of great upheaval, as we witness the suffering of the Earth and her children, let us become the sacred vessels through which peace and unity can flow.

So today, and every day, may our prayers also be for humanity.

When we pray, we become vessels of divine light, embodying sacred love in every breath.

Through prayer, we manifest the sacred union of love and action, transforming the world with every whispered intention.

To pray is to serve, to offer the gift of peace without expectation, trusting in the Divine plan.

To pray is to embrace our role as co-creators of peace, weaving together heaven and earth with every breath.

When we pray, we connect to the eternal flame within, fueling the awakening of the collective soul of humanity.

Let us remember that our prayers bring forth Shalom, a deep unity and peace that heals the soul of humanity.

Peace – Paz – Shalom

For those of you who want to Dive Deep into the teachings of Soul Mission and Deep Healing, The Mother Anna Violet Flame Healing online training is open for registration. CLICK HERE for more information.

This week I will post the timetable for the next Magdalene Shabbat and on October 8th the Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training for 2025 will open for early registration.

Ana Otero

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