Mary Magdalene and the Sacred Waters: Shabbat Message

Mary Magdalene and the Sacred Waters: Shabbat Message

Rebirth in the Waters of Intimacy.

As we enter into this sacred Shabbat, I invite you to journey deeply into the essence of the Aramaic – Hebrew Letter Mem, the archetype of rebirth through the spiritual waters of the universe. Mem is not just the waters we see, but the vast, mystical waters of the cosmos—the womb of creation. Just as our physical birth brings us into this world, there is a second birth awaiting us, one that calls us to dive into the spiritual waters, to awaken our soul in a higher realm.

This second birth, symbolized by Mem, is where true transformation happens. It is not bound by the limitations of the material world but held within the womb of Imma Illah, the Cosmic Mother. Here, we are reborn, renewed, and reconnected to the divine flow of life. Mem reminds us that this rebirth is a continual process, an invitation to enter deeper into our soul’s wisdom, to cleanse what no longer serves us, and to emerge with greater clarity and purpose.

As we approach this Shabbat, take a moment to reflect on the sacredness of water—the tears we’ve shed, the rivers we’ve crossed, the oceans that hold so many mysteries. Water has always been a symbol of healing, of life, and of spiritual purification. It is in these waters of Mem that we are asked to immerse ourselves, not just to wash away the old, but to be reborn in the light of new beginnings.

Mary Magdalene, who always guides us in such profound ways, embodies this very rebirth. She teaches us the power of the sacred waters, the deep currents of the Divine Feminine that nourish our souls and bring us back into alignment with who we truly are. Her journey was one of constant transformation, a reminder that we too can rise from the depths of the spiritual waters, renewed and ready to walk our path with grace and power.

On this Shabbat, may we honor the waters within us, the rebirth that is always possible, and the Divine Feminine who flows through it all. Let us surrender into these spiritual waters, trusting that in this Womb of Infinity, we are being held, healed, and prepared for the sacred journey ahead.

Virgo is an Earth sign, yet in the Mystical Aramaic – Hebrew Traditions, it is also water, forming a special trinity with Cancer and Leo. Let us remember in this Portal of Elul – Virgo, as we honor the Earth, let us also BE the water.

In the Month of Elul – Virgo, water also expresses through the awakening of a sacred intimacy.

In the Song of Solomon, we see the imagery of a garden locked up, a sealed fountain, a place where intimacy has been guarded, waiting to be unlocked and rediscovered. The verse sings of a bride, her inner being likened to a garden filled with the most precious treasures—pomegranates, saffron, myrrh, aloes, and all the finest spices. Each plant and fragrance symbolizes the deep and sacred aspects of the soul, ready to be unveiled in the presence of divine love.

“You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain” (Song of Songs 4:12-15). These words speak of a profound restoration of intimacy, where the soul, once guarded and closed off, begins to open to the depths of love and connection. It is the moment when the sealed fountain—representing the deepest wellsprings of our being—begins to flow again, streaming down from Lebanon like living waters, refreshing and cleansing everything in its path.

This is a sacred moment of intimacy restored, a return to the purity of connection with the Divine, where the soul is no longer hidden or closed, but fully open to the embrace of love. In this garden, the beloved enters with tenderness, unlocking what has been sealed and allowing the waters of life and love to flow freely once more. The pomegranates and spices represent the richness of the soul’s gifts, waiting to be shared in union, in a love that is not just physical, but deeply spiritual.

Interestingly, the rebuilding of the walls and the gates, including the Fountain Gate, was completed on the 25th of Elul—this month of spiritual repair and renewal.  The Fountain Gate represents the opening of the heart, the return of the waters of life after a season of drought or separation.

As we reflect on this passage from the Song of Songs, we are invited into our own moment of restoration. The sealed fountain within us—those sacred parts of our soul—can once again flow with the love and intimacy of the Divine. It is a call to let go of the barriers we have placed around our hearts and to allow the garden of our being to be nurtured, nourished, and opened to the deepest levels of connection.

May this verse remind us of the beauty of intimacy restored, of the divine love that seeks to unlock the sealed places within us and bring us back into the fullness of sacred union. Just as Solomon’s garden flourishes with the most precious fruits, so too does our soul bloom when we allow the fountain of love to flow freely once again.

Let us remember the sealed fountain within us as we light our Shabbat Candles today.

Let continue to pray for peace.

Our monthly online Magdalene Shabbat will be on September 27th: Mother Anna and the Violet Flame. CLICK HERE to join.

The Magdalene 13 Petaled Rose online immersion starts the 16th of September. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER AND FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Wishing all of you a blessed Shabbat.


Ana Otero

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