Ritual for Ending Cycles – Shabbat Message

Ritual for Ending Cycles – Shabbat Message


As we embrace the last few days of the month of Tammuz—associated with the astrological sign of Cancer—we can deepen our awareness by contemplating the Aramaic-Hebrew letter Tav. Tav, in the Aramaic – Hebrew Mysticism, holds profound significance as it created the moon, linking us to the physical world and our incarnation. This letter symbolizes the completion of a cycle, and in each incarnation, our soul progresses closer to its original state in the Garden of Eden. Without Tav, the journey of re-ascending the Tree of Life to reach the Edenic state would be unattainable.

One of the sacred practices that facilitate this ascent is honoring Shabbat. Shabbat is more than a religious observance; it is a universal practice of rest and spiritual renewal. On this day, the Shekhinah—the Divine Feminine Presence—enters our lives. Unlike the other days of the week when we serve as vessels, on Shabbat, we embody the Light of Alaha (God), becoming a direct expression of Divine creation.

The moon, created by the letter Tav, represents our incarnational experience. When Tav works in conjunction with the letter Chet (which created the sign of Cancer), it activates the pathway or tunnel through which souls enter and leave this world. Many who have had near-death experiences describe a tunnel of light, which is this very pathway of Tav, transitioning the soul from a material existence to a purely energetic state, freeing it from the bonds of the physical body. Tav, therefore, serves as a reminder that death is not an end but a transformation, a return to pure Light.

Tav, which means “cross,” is a symbolic element in the Sophianic Kabbalistic tradition, representing the division of matter into the Four Elements—Earth, Air, Water, and Fire—and their subsequent transcendence. This symbol indicates how these elements, while appearing distinct, are unified in their spiritual essence.

Souls are both brought into this world and taken from it through Tav and the constellation of Cancer. It is said that one year before we depart from this physical realm, the letter Tav is inscribed on our foreheads, signaling the completion of our earthly journey.

These cycles of endings and beginnings are not limited to physical death but apply to various aspects of our lives. Whenever something in our life is completed or fully manifested, Tav has completed its work.

Healing and Spiritual Practice:

Tav is also associated with the first chakra, the Muladhara, and with the mouth, symbolizing the grounding of spiritual energy into physical expression. The letter Tav can be used in healing practices, particularly for relieving joint pain, acting as an analgesic. To harness this healing energy, meditate on the letter Tav, gazing upon it while chanting its vibration.

As we enter the final days of Tammuz, we are invited to reflect on the cycles of completion in our lives. Tav represents the completion of a cycle, the full circle of life, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. This is a powerful time to bring awareness to what has been completed in our lives, what needs to be released, and how we can prepare for new beginnings.

Applying Tav’s Energy to Our Lives

Tav teaches us about the necessity of closure and the importance of honoring endings as much as beginnings. It is a reminder that every conclusion is a precursor to a new cycle of growth and transformation. In this sense, Tav not only marks the end but also the doorway to the infinite possibilities that lie ahead. As we reflect on our journey during Tammuz, we can ask ourselves:

  • Reflection Questions:

  1. What cycles in my life are coming to a natural end, and how can I honor this completion?

  2. Are there aspects of my life that I am holding onto that no longer serve my highest good?

  3. How can I create space within myself for new growth and opportunities in the coming month?

  4. In what ways can I align more fully with my divine purpose, recognizing the shifts in my spiritual journey?

Ritual for Embracing Completion and New Beginnings

To fully integrate the lessons of Tav and prepare for the transitions ahead, I am sharing this ritual and I hope it serves you as it has served me:

  1. Sacred Space Preparation:

  • Find a quiet space where you can be undisturbed. Light a white candle, symbolizing purity and new beginnings, and anoint it with essential oil (such as frankincense or myrrh) to invite sacred energy into your space.

  1. Meditation and Visualization:

  • Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Visualize the letter Tav in your mind’s eye, glowing with a soft light. See this light expanding and filling your entire being.

  • As you meditate, reflect on the cycles of your life. Visualize the endings that need to be honored and see them dissolving into the light of Tav, transforming into seeds for new growth.

  1. Chanting and Affirmation:

  • Chant the letter Tav out loud, feel the vibrations of your own sound, allowing the sound to resonate through your body. With each chant, feel a deeper connection to the cycle of completion and the opening to new possibilities.

  • Affirm: “I embrace the endings in my life with gratitude and peace. I am open to the new beginnings that align with my highest good.”

  1. Journaling:

  • After your meditation, write down any insights or thoughts that came to you during the ritual. What have you completed? What are you ready to release? What new energies are you inviting into your life?

  1. Closing:

  • Extinguish the candle, symbolizing the end of one cycle and the readiness to begin anew. Take a moment to ground yourself, feeling the earth beneath you, and express gratitude for the lessons and growth of Tammuz.

Tav invites us to step fully into our lives with the understanding that every end is a sacred part of our soul’s journey. As we move forward from Tammuz, let us carry the wisdom of Tav with us, knowing that with each cycle completed, we are brought closer to our true spiritual essence.

May these last days of Tammuz bring you clarity, peace, and the strength to embrace both the endings and the new beginnings that await.

Upcoming Events:

I wish you all a blessed Shabbat. On this Shabbat, I will be facilitating an online Ahava Sacred Dance and Drumming workshop: “The Magdalene Healing Waters of Tammuz.” [CLICK HERE for more information and registration.]

Next week, we will gather for the Heart of Eden Lion’s Gate Workshop. I am very excited about the work we will be doing in this workshop. The first part of the workshop is a powerful practice tu upgrade our energy, DNA, blood and cells. The second part if to focus on how we can expand our mission, our love, our goals, our gifts, our relationships, in every category of our lives.

Doors are closing soon, so make sure to register! [CLICK HERE.]

You can also now register for the August Magdalene Shabbat, where I will facilitate a Sarah Tamar Blue Rose Healing. [CLICK HERE.]

Sending love to all of you. 


Ana Otero

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