Mary Magdalene Message: Pathways of Awakening

Mary Magdalene Message: Pathways of Awakening

I speak to you from a place of deep knowing, where the mysteries of life and the Divine are one. Before you enter this earthly realm, your souls choose the challenges that will shape your journey. These trials are not random, but are chosen with great care, for they are the fires through which you are refined, the deserts you must cross to awaken fully to your divine essence.

Every idea or concept you hold about the Divine is but a fragment of the whole, a partial reflection of the infinite truth. The Divine is vast, beyond the limitations of human comprehension, yet Alaha is intimately close, deeply rooted within you.  To grow in understanding, you must reconsider your perceptions of the Divine, allowing your heart to expand and embrace a more complete vision.

The moon, a symbol of the subconscious and the unknown, guides you in this exploration. It is a portal to the forms and images stored within your unconscious mind—those remnants of past experiences that shape your current reality. Your material world is a manifestation of these inner images, each thread representing a moment, an action, a memory.

In this lifetime, you are given the sacred opportunity to sift through the sands of your unconscious, to discern what is true and what is illusion. This is not an easy task, for it requires courage to face the shadows, to confront the burdens you carry. But know this: you are not alone in this journey. The Divine walks with you, offering the light of wisdom to guide your way.

As you navigate through the desert of your ego, stripping away the false identities and fears that obscure your true self, you will find yourself aligned with the universal creative act. This is the space of pure potential, where you become a co-creator with the Divine, manifesting a reality that reflects the truth of your soul.

The challenges you face are not punishments, but pathways to your own awakening. Embrace them with an open heart, trusting that each step you take brings you closer to the divine union you seek. In this sacred dance of life, you are both the seeker and the sought, the creator and the creation.

May you walk this path with grace, knowing that every experience, every challenge, is a stepping stone on your journey back to Alaha, back to who you truly are..

 Mary Magdalene

Channeled by Ana Otero

Channeled on August 2nd, during the Ahava Sacred Dance and Drumming Session I facilitated.


Ana Otero

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