Yohanah the Myrrhbearer

Yohanah the Myrrhbearer
Yohanah the Myrrhbearer was a woman mentioned in the gospels who was healed by Yeshua and later supported him and his disciples in their travels. She was also healed from her Inner Demons through Yeshua, just as Mary Magdalene. She is one of the women recorded in the Gospel of Luke as accompanying Yeshua and the twelve apostles and as a witness to Yehsua´s resurrection. Her husband was Chuza, who managed the household of Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee. She was a holy woman known to have many resources and was one of the women who funded the Christ Community.
In the Gospel of Luke, Yohanah is mentioned by name, along with Mary Magdalene and Mary of Clopas, as among the women who took spices to Yeshua´s’tomb and found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.She is honored as Yohanah the Myrrhbearer and is commemorated as carrying myrrh together with other women present at the tomb of Yeshua.
Yohanah was present in the day of Pentecost and is also a guardian of Light Language.
Yohanah is also known to have recovered the Head of John the Baptist after Herodias had disposed of it.
Yohanah the Myrrhbearer is a powerful presence that we can bring into our lives. She helps us with with our abundance, helping us see the blocks that may be present so we may release them through mindful reflection and purification. If we would like to strengthen our commitments, we can also call upon her.
Yohanah is a powerful force of unconditional love. She also can assist us in bringing messages to our loved ones who have transitioned.
Aramaic Mantra: Ana avda b’ahavta
I serve with love.
This writing and card belongs to The Desert Rose Oracle Cards that soon will be available. Artist Gabriel Icka.
Ana Otero