Novena St. Teresa of Ávila. Day 1

Ahava and Blessings
Today we begin our Novena to St Teresa of Ávila as a powerful prayer of seeding in this New Moon in Libra.
Teresa of Ávila, the first woman to be proclaimed Doctor of the Church, has always had a very special place in my heart since I was a child. My parents named me after her (my name is Ana Teresa), and her faith and prayer goes beyond any established religion. She was a Mystic, a Magdalene, a Cosmic Virgin, a Business Woman, a Visionary.
Born in Ávila in 1515 (66 numerology, the Divine Feminine), her parents were Jews who were forced to convert to Catholicism. She was a Noble Woman and was gifted with inner and outer beauty. It is said that she was so radiantly beautiful that people would stop and look at her with admiration as she walked down the streets of Ávila. At 19 she decided to join the Convent as she was extremely spiritual and wanted to receive a formal education and she didn´t want to marry and give up her life as a seeker of Knowledge and Wisdom. We know that in this time women were married off at a young age and their destiny was to have children and serve in the home.
Her prayer was ecstatic and she received many apparitions of Mother Mary and Yeshua.
We pray to her for these 9 days so she may bless us with her Faith and that we surrender to the Love of the Divine Mother. To embody the Divine Feminine Presence there must be DEVOTION, FAITH and RECEPTIVITY. We honor and celebrate her during these 9 days of reflection and we ask that she may bless us with the grace of the Divine Feminine Presence.
Day 1 of Novena
Say out loud:
St. Teresa, I ask that you open the doors to the interior castle of my hearts so I too may begin the journey into the power of prayer. I ask that you grant me this gift. Make me a channel of Creativity and Inspiration.
Read the following poem prayer written by St. Teresa of Ávila
A Love Song Majestic sovereign, timeless wisdom, your kindness melts my hard, cold soul. Handsome lover, selfless giver, your beauty fills my dull, sad eyes. I am yours, you made me. I am yours, you called me. I am yours, you saved me. I am yours, you loved me. I will never leave your presence. Give me death, give me life. Give me sickness, give me health. Give me honour, give me shame. Give me weakness, give me strength. I will have whatever you give. Amen
St. Teresa pf Ávila
On this first day of the Novena reflect on the moments in your life where you have had difficult situations, dark nights, or just felt lonely or abandoned. Why did your soul choose this? Why was this experience given to you? What have your learned? What is the wisdom that has awakened?
St. Teresa of Ávila Called this reflective prayer. When you are finished, chant and do the Movement Prayer in the video included below. AHAVA RACHAMIN CHESED SHALOM INANA NOOHRA DI ALMA
Ana Otero