Cleansing The Tree of Life Template Week One

The Counting of the Omer is a journey through the Sefirot on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, from Chesed (Kindness) to Malchut (Kingdom), reflecting a period of purification and preparation. Each day offers a reflection on the divine attributes, facilitating personal growth and spiritual refinement.
Since 2022 I have been diving profoundly into reading Biblical Scripture in the Aramaic Language, without transliteration, and I have come to understand something that I intuitively always knew. These activations have led me to research and connect the Spanish Kabbalists with the French Cathars.
Both the Spanish Kabbalists and the French Cathars had a strong connection with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua as the Divine Union Template.
In Kabbalistic terms, Tiferet in the Tree of Life represents beauty, balance, and integration and is associated with Yeshua who embodies these traits through his life and teachings. Tiferet lies at the heart of the Tree of Life, signifying the role of Yeshua as a central figure of spiritual intercession.
Malchut, represented by Mary Magdalene, symbolizes the kingdom, the manifestation of all higher sefirotic energies into reality, and the presence of the Divine in the physical world, often referred to as Shekhinah. Mary Magdalene, as Malchut, represents the divine feminine presence on earth, grounding the spiritual teachings of Yeshua into tangible, lived experiences.
This year at The Desert Rose Mystery School we will count the Omer. You don´t need to know Kabbalah, or the Tree of Life, or the Gnostic Gospels, all you need is to connect with the 10 Dimensions of your being and each day focus on the teaching of the Omer. These small intentions will purify our Tree of Life Template so we may manifest joy, soul essence and mission, love, unity and light.
Week 1. Connect with Loving Kindness.
Day 1, April 24, 2024
Express kindness and mercy all day.
Day 2, April 25, 2024
Replace every critical thought with a thought of appreciation and self love. When these thoughts come, stop for a moment and intentionally let them go.
Day 3, April 26, 2024
Bring beauty and Harmony in everything that you do, say, and express.
Day 4, April 27, 2024
Today focus on helping another person, or doing something for another person. Our focus is in the outer service.
Day 5, April 28, 2024
Today be humble, listen, speak little, and know that silence is your purification.
Day 6, April 29, 2024
Today focus on bonding with your family, friends, loves ones, beloved. Make sure you are giving time to your relationships.
Day 7, April 30, 2024
This day is about leadership. Focus on how you can help someone without being bossy, controlling or demanding. Lead with grace, humility and purity.
I will soon be sharing more about all of the amazing research I have done on Mary Mahgdalene, Yeshua, and their relationship with the Spanish Kabbalists and French Cathars.
Next week I will post the more of the counting of the Omer. There are 7 weeks of this guidance.
Sending love to all of you.
Ana Otero